Current status: Awesome. Our infrastructure has been funded for the next few years, so donations are not urgent as they used to be. Thanks to all contributors!
Besides a great user base, donations are what keeps this site alive. We do not make any money from ModPlug Central and we really love doing what we do. We are strictly against placing ads on this website, so we need your help with covering the costs we get by running this free service.
If you prefer other means of money transfer (for example via IBAN bank transfer), please get in touch via e-mail.
Your donation goes directly towards keeping ModPlug Central alive. Our infrastructure bills are about €250 a year for web hosting and automated build infrastructure (the majority of that is two virtual servers), plus €25 for a code signing certificate. Occasionally we also need to buy hardware to develop and test OpenMPT on. Should the donations exceed the quarterly requirement, the overspill will be put towards the following quarter's fund.
So if you find yourself returning to this site often, or if you enjoy using ModPlug software, then please consider making a donation. We work very hard on keeping this site alive and on improving OpenMPT constantly, so this is a nice way you can show your appreciation for our work. :-)
Current goal: 1st quarter 2033
We have reached our upcoming 34 goals (96 months) early, so we are already collecting donations for the next quarter.
The next payment is due in March 2033. We still need €54.86 to reach this goal. So far, the following people have contributed:
- Anonymous
- Ciro Scognamiglio
Hall of fame
In the past, the following people have contributed to our fund. Thank you all for keeping ModPlug Central alive!
- Adam Jablonski
- Alasdhair
- Alexander Brandon
- alexvgrey
- Alpharisc
- AmigaJeff
- Andrea Cusato
- Andy
- andymanone
- AndyT
- Anonymoos
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous19XX
- Asikwus
- atarirob
- ATechSupportMoose
- balmaha
- Batteryman
- Belogic
- Bennett Waddell
- BlackDeath
- BonerBoy69
- bOOT
- BooT-SectoR-ViruZ
- Bryan H
- @Buttcliff
- ByPS128
- Calle E
- Carnage & Cluster
- Cedrik Felter
- cerror_xyce
- Charles Clarke
- Chris McCormick
- Chris Molyneux
- Christian Buntrock
- Christian Haller
- ciros
- Clayton Little
- Crash Noise Division
- cTrix
- Cueball
- Daniel Campos do Nascimento
- Daniel Hedberg
- Dario Nieuwenhuis
- Dave
- david
- Davide Catini
- Davinder
- daXX
- Derwents
- diigitae
- Dinky Mirage
- Dirk Baginski
- DJ Amazing
- dj.tuBIG/MaliceX
- dleet
- do more good stuff!))
- Dr. Christian Hartmeier
- duckfrombeyond
- Duv
- El Topo
- emma essex
- Engeltone (Pablo S.Velazco)
- fC
- FireController#1847
- @fisk0
- Fler0301
- Ford Magnetics Ltd
- Fraczek20
- Frank Johansson
- Frederico Lopes
- FS
- FuckRIAA
- garys
- GeeDee
- Genezis
- Gigatron
- golgi
- Gopher
- gr8fulavatar
- Grainger
- greenbank
- Gyromatical
- Harrys Poll
- hbbaab
- hej.luxom
- Henrik Högberg
- Hibisch
- Husam
- Imusing
- Jackie McBride
- JAL / Nostalgia
- Jay Garcia @ModusCreate
- JC
- Jens Reimann
- Jimbob
- Joe
- Joh
- John-Erik
- Jón Hallur Haraldsson
- Joni Puljujärvi
- Jordi.
- José Carlos Cruz Parra
- Josiah David Huergo AKA God
- Juge
- Julthep
- Kabcorp
- Kalabint
- kameradoktorn
- Karmus
- Kenneth Moodie
- Kidding Kurrys
- Kilgariff
- Kit
- KJ77
- Komsip
- Krzysztof Dyki
- KTS_Bula
- Kutaren
- Le parasite
- Leander Tau
- Link
- Lo
- Lo Bellver
- losso
- Marc Shake
- Mark
- Markus
- MarkyJoe1990
- Marvamk
- Marvin Gnad
- Mat
- Matthew Romero
- Mattia Giovanetti
- MeaTLoTioN
- melcom
- Memphis Art Guy
- misaka00251
- mt12345
- muffinconsumer
- neo
- Neo Falcon
- neonbigbird
- NikkisTooZippy
- Nima
- Norea Armozel
- Nornec
- Olav Sørensen
- Olivier L
- onimuh
- oxvac
- Ozzy
- PanicFR
- Paul
- Pazzior
- Peprman
- Pino Zulpo
- Popperur
- Pulcltu
- pvanderp
- Quividet
- r3
- Rakib Rahman
- Rasseli
- RbR
- relliker
- RGB9000
- Rizzen / Smurf
- RMusiKMX
- Robert Coare
- Roberto
- rogerclark
- Roland Karl Becker
- Roruda
- Russell Woods Technologies
- S Kurka
- samplerInfo
- ScheripH
- Sebastian Bober
- sefran
- Sembiance
- shorty
- ShotecMusic
- Simon Burchert
- sito
- Slamy
- spambot9k
- StarWolf3000
- Stereocool
- Steve Kossouho
- Stv
- SuperPlay
- Teufx
- TexZK
- TheGatorade
- Ton Verhagen
- Tony Stevenson
- Trikel
- Type1J
- Valeriy Kidrovskiy
- VEKdigital
- Wally Beben
- Waxhead
- Wertstahl
- Whyte
- Wire
- WraithGlade
- Xeriphas1994
- Yair Charutz
- Yair Charutz
- Yarron Katz
- Yury Davidouski
- z00m
- zbacsi
- Zemmargorp
- Zly_Oco
- Якуб Судер
€50 or more
€25 or more
€15 or more