Happy Birthday - 10 years of open-source development

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by Saga Musix

Ten years ago - on January 24th, 2004, the OpenMPT project was created on SourceForge after Olivier Lapicque opened the source of the original ModPlug Tracker. Since then, a number of people have dedicated their spare time to the OpenMPT project in order to improve the tracker year by year. While development has seen more and less active years, the code base has been constantly growing and a great boost in development has been seen as of late. With the recent release of libopenmpt, an up-to-date, actively maintined and cross-platform module playback library based on the latest ModPlug source code is now available again as well.

Thanks to everyone who has used OpenMPT in the last ten years, and thanks to everyone who actively contributed to it in order to make it an even better music composition tool!