OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

The latest version of OpenMPT has been released today. This build does not bring any big new features, but focuses on important stability improvements and bug fixes:

  • Instrument envelopes with more than 25 envelope points are now saved correctly.
  • MP3 export no longer crashes OpenMPT.
  • Saving IT instruments (in both IT and ITI files) with an invalid sample map no longer crashes the tracker.
  • In the sample editor, 8-Bit Stereo samples are now saved correctly.
  • Shift-Dragging a channel header in the pattern editor killed the last channel.
  • Songs don't stop automatically anymore after one play in some situations where "Loop Song" was actually enabled.
  • When overwriting PC notes with normal notes, the pattern cell is now cleared properly.
  • In compatible mode, two envelope points cannot share the same tick anymore.
  • Saved ITP files were sometimes corrupted.
  • Legacy Mixmodes RC1 and RC2 are only available in tunes that still use them.

For a complete list of changes, have a look at the release notes and the full version history.