OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

The latest version of OpenMPT has been released today.

This is another bugfix to address bugs found in the previous OpenMPT 1.23 release, and also includes a couple of other improvements. These are the noteworthy improvements and changes in OpenMPT

  • Deleting and inserting items in the order list automatically adjusts playback, sequence override and play lock positions.
  • When inserting a new pattern while a +++ or --- pattern is focussed in the order list, use the currently edited pattern for determining the new pattern's length.
  • In windowed mode, the note properties dialog was not always visible.
  • Silencing samples was slightly broken.
  • Sample undo could crash in some situations.
  • In the sample map editor, show faint red dots for notes that are already assigned to another sample.
  • Plugin editor positions are now stored in module files.
  • Allow drag and drop actions on plugin editors to drop preset files from Explorer.
  • Implement ProTracker-style sample swapping correctly, and handle 9xx (Offset) more like ProTracker does in ProTracker 1/2 mode.
  • When resuming paused (not stopped) playback, previously playing samples are continued.
  • "Maintain sample sync on seek" should now also work when playback was previously stopped.
  • When adding a new shortcut that conflicts with an existing shortcut, do not automatically delete the existing shortcut but rather ask the user what to do.
  • Merged "Note Off/Cut/Fade" and "Note Off/Cut/Fade (without instrument number)" to never write an instrument number next to those events.
  • Setting the default MIDI volume behaviour for new instruments in the Options dialog was broken.
  • After loading a new keybinding file, effect keys were no longer working until the user switched to a module with different effect keys.

For a complete list of changes, have a look at the release notes and the full version history.

libopenmpt as well as the Winamp / XMPlay / Foobar2000 input plugins have been updated as well today, making use of the same playback improvements as OpenMPT.