OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

A new update for OpenMPT 1.27 has been released today. Among others, it brings the following bugfixes and improvements:

  • Shrinking a pattern selection did not work as intended when merging an effect command for the second row of two merged rows.
  • It was possible to interpolate columns even if pattern editing was disabled.
  • Dropping a sample from another module did not adjust its parameters to the new module format.
  • SFZ: Support loop_crossfade opcode for creating crossfaded loops when importing samples.
  • XM E60 loop bug was not considered in song length calucation.
  • Support MOD files from the Inconexia demo by Iguana.
  • J2B: Ignore frequency limits from file header. Fixes Medivo.j2b, broken since OpenMPT 1.26.
  • Vorbis export could crash when unsupported ABR bitrates were chosen.
  • LFO Plugin: Closing the plugin editor while the pattern editor was open could lead to the LFO waveform being changed unintentionally.

For a complete list of changes, have a look at the release notes and the full version history.

libopenmpt has also been updated with the same loader and playback improvements.