OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

The latest update to OpenMPT 1.30 has been released today. Unfortunately the previous update was a bit of a dud, introducing several regressions. These have now been addressed alongside a few other small bugfixes:

  • Previewing filtered instruments produced a repetitive click sound in OpenMPT
  • Initial instrument cutoff was broken for OPL instruments in OpenMPT
  • Loading DSym files was completely broken in OpenMPT
  • When jumping around in the module, the tempo was sometimes incorrectly limited to 255 BPM.
  • Normalizing all samples or removing DC offset from all samples didn't mark external samples as modified (except for the currently selected one).
  • In the comments tab, the displayed middle-C frequency was slightly off for MOD files.
  • Translation between MOD / XM E5x and MPTM / IT / S3M S2x Set Finetune commands did not take the different scales of the commands into account.
  • Wrong PAL middle-C frequency was used when converting from MOD to MPTM / IT / S3M.
  • After auto-updating from a previous version with no modules open, an empty module was created.

For a complete list of changes, have a look at the release notes and the full version history.

libopenmpt has also been updated with the same playback fixes.