OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

This small update for OpenMPT 1.31 fixes a couple of bugs and bring a few other improvements. This is most likely going to be the last OpenMPT 1.31 release, and we are looking forward to releasing OpenMPT 1.32 very soon.

Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:

  • Relaxed BRR file rejection heuristics a bit.
  • Sample loop and cue point information is now also copied for sample selections.
  • Fixed possible crash when replacing a sample with a shorter one while outside of the sample editor, and then returning to the same sample slot.
  • Drawing sample data from right to left caused the drawn lines to not be interpolated properly.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to remove the only point of an instrument envelope.
  • If multiple keyboard layouts were installed, note key mapping could be based on the wrong layout, causing e.g. B-4 and Note-Off keys to be swapped on the default key map with an active US keyboard layout but also a German layout being present.

For a complete list of changes, have a look at the full version history. If you are upgrading from OpenMPT 1.30 or older, read the release notes to get a glimpse of the biggest changes.