ModPlug Tracker pre-alpha found

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by Saga Musix

Last year, community member Paper found a large number of old ModPlug Tracker and ModPlug Player versions, including the at that point earliest known ModPlug Tracker version 1.0 alpha 3.

Today, after some more digging in the Discmaster archive from, we are happy to present you some even earlier versions! Among the newly found treasures are several ModPlug Tracker pre-alpha versions, including the now earliest known version pre-alpha 4. This version is merely one week newer than the very first pre-alpha version (according to the changelog).

As always you can download those old versions of ModPlug Tracker, ModPlug Player and the ModPlugin from our archive.


OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

It's been more than a year since the initial release of OpenMPT 1.30, and in the meantime we have provided many updates to make it more stable and add a few new features and improve details. Now we are finally ready to present the first release of OpenMPT 1.31. Again it took us longer than expected, and the number of huge new features is a bit lower than in previous major releases, but we still hope that it was worth the wait.

Here is a short summary of the most notable new features:

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Some Treasures from the Vault

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by Saga Musix

Thanks to community member Paper, we can present some treasures previously not available in our software archive: Digging through old shareware and magazine CDs available on, Paper found a great number of old versions of ModPlug Tracker, ModPlug Player and the ModPlugin that were previously not present in our archive. This includes the earliest version of ModPlug Tracker that we are aware of now, version 1.0 alpha 3. Previously, the oldest known version was 1.0 alpha 5. Of course we will keep digging for the "holy grail" - version 1.0 alpha 1, but now you have the possibility to explore how ModPlug Tracker looked like in late 1997.
