OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

It's been one and a half years since the initial release of OpenMPT 1.29, and in the meantime we have provided many updates to make it more stable and add a few new features and improve details. Now we are finally ready to present the first release of OpenMPT 1.30. It took us way longer than expected, but the great number of improvements and new features was hopefully worth the wait.

Here is a short summary of the most notable new features:

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OpenMPT released

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by Saga Musix

As a number of bugs was found and fixed during the last few weeks, we decided to release one last update to OpenMPT 1.29 to address various minor issues and annoyances. In addition, this is the first fully code-signed OpenMPT release thanks to a generous donation by an OpenMPT user. This avoids annoying warnings when running untrusted applications downloaded from the internet in modern Windows versions. All that being said, we are still on track for finally releasing OpenMPT 1.30 later this month. If you are curious what's new, you can have a look at the release candidate thread on our forums.

Here are the most important changes of this update:

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